加拿大旅游签证申请表IMM5257中的UCI的全名是“Unique Client Identifier”通用客户识别码,首次申请加拿大签证是不会有UCI号码的,可以留空不用填写。或在表格中填写N/A即可。如果是再次申请签证,建议填入您的UCI,以便移民局识别您的申请,可以加快您的签证进程。
UCI全称Unique Client Identifier,也就是申请人唯一的客户账号。该账号会出现在移民局下发的官方证件上,例如Visa,PR card,Study or Work permit。该号码由8个数字组成,排列方式为(Example: 0000-0000),每一个申请人在获得签证后就会拥有一个UCI号。
UCI stands for “unique client identifier.” It is also known as a client identification number (client ID). It appears on official documents you get from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). It has four numbers, a hyphen and four more numbers. (Example: 0000-0000).
If you are applying to CIC for the first time, you will not yet have a UCI. If so, and you are filling out a form that asks for one, write “Not Applicable” or “N/A” in the space provided.
If you are applying online and the form does not allow you to input “N/A,” leave the space blank.
打开你的visa,work permit或者study permit,如果是visa,在右下角会看到一串8位数的数字,这就是UCI号码;如果是permit,在右上角将看到一个UCI/IUC号码,0000-0000,8位数。
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